برخی کلیدهای میانبر مهم در تری دی استادیو مکس
alt + e = extrude
alt + r = ring select
alt + l = loop select
z = center viewport on selection
f3 = toggle wireframe (tapping this twice will return you from another viewtype to normal view)
1 = vertices (in edit poly mode)
2 = edges (in edit poly mode)
3 = open edges (edges along a hole in a mesh) (in edit poly mode)
4 = faces (in edit poly mode)
5 = sub-elements (connected chunks of triangles) (in edit poly mode)
6 = exit sub-object mode (in edit poly mode)
The modification keys W movement, E scale R rotate.
The viewport keys L left, B bottom, F front, P perspective. (I assign ctrl + L to right view, and ctrl + B to back view)
v = viewport pop-up menu, and from there you can use hotkeys to get the different views.
when in a sub object mode like vertices, hold ctrl and click on another sub object mode like faces, to convert your selection. Hold ctrl+shift to only get the the sub objects contained completely by the current selection.