سورس کد معکوس کردن آرایه به زبان سیشارپ_csharp
سه شنبه, ۱۳ مهر ۱۳۹۵، ۰۳:۵۶ ب.ظ
using System;
public class SamplesArray { public static void Main() { // Creates and initializes a new Array. Array myArray=Array.CreateInstance( typeof(String), 9 ); myArray.SetValue( "The", 0 ); myArray.SetValue( "quick", 1 ); myArray.SetValue( "brown", 2 ); myArray.SetValue( "fox", 3 ); myArray.SetValue( "jumps", 4 ); myArray.SetValue( "over", 5 ); myArray.SetValue( "the", 6 ); myArray.SetValue( "lazy", 7 ); myArray.SetValue( "dog", 8 ); // Displays the values of the Array. Console.WriteLine( "The Array initially contains the following values:" ); PrintIndexAndValues( myArray ); // Reverses the sort of the values of the Array. Array.Reverse( myArray ); // Displays the values of the Array. Console.WriteLine( "After reversing:" ); PrintIndexAndValues( myArray ); } public static void PrintIndexAndValues( Array myArray ) { for ( int i = myArray.GetLowerBound(0); i <= myArray.GetUpperBound(0); i++ ) Console.WriteLine( "\t[{0}]:\t{1}", i, myArray.GetValue( i ) ); } } /* This code produces the following output. The Array initially contains the following values: [0]: The [1]: quick [2]: brown [3]: fox [4]: jumps [5]: over [6]: the [7]: lazy [8]: dog After reversing: [0]: dog [1]: lazy [2]: the [3]: over [4]: jumps [5]: fox [6]: brown [7]: quick [8]: The */